Bearing Witness
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The first time I saw Ernest "Hotty" Waddell was as Dante on the HBO series THE WIRE. Dante was introduced in Season 2 as the new lover of gun toting homothug Omar, portrayed by Michael K. Williams. For those of you familiar with the series, you may recall that Omar's lover from Season 1, Brandon, was not only snuffed out, but also had the indignity of having his eyes gouged and his lifeless body splayed across the hood of a car on Baltimore's mean streets. Anyway, in Season 2 of the best damn series on television (it's coming back for Season 4), Omar hooked up with Dante, a new fineass hunk of caramel gorgeousness. In episode 2, I think, they engaged in the most amazingly hot kiss I have ever had the honor of witnessing with my own two eyes. Damn, Damn, Damn.

Later, I saw ol' boy on NBC's LAW AND ORDER: SVU as Ken Randall, the gay son of Detective "Fin" Tutuola (Ice-T) and I nearly fell out. Go head wit yo bad self. Now he is featured on the WB series THE BEDFORD DIARIES. I have watched the show twice. I don't know what it's about. I think it's got somthing to do with other college, sex and video tape. I know it's got some other people on it, but I don't know who the hell they are. I'm sure I could tell you if I wasn't obsessing about His Hotness. When the show is on I'm either looking at Ernest and thinking, "damn he's fine," or just thinking, "damn Ernest is fine." I can say I've seen the show, but I can't say that I've watched it.

He may not be gay, but in the words of Morris Day, "Mary sweet mother Jesus," this is a fine muthafucka. I think I'm in love. I could give up my self-imposed celebacy for him. Inaheartbeat. Know that.
I always did think he was fine. Umm Umm Ummm!
now u kno thats my man! :) i do concur tho. brotha is sexy!
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